Platte River Bard Podcast

Mission and Core Beliefs

The Platte River Bard Podcast promotes and supports Arts and Artists who mainly reside or perform in the Platte River Area and it's surrounding areas in the Midwest.

Core Beliefs:
Since podcasting is a free platform for guests and listeners for anyone who can access a computer or electronic device connected to the internet, we seek to reach all people who are interested and/or are participating in the Arts.

Using the influence of social media and the internet, we seek to promote the arts and artisans to educate and inform listeners of the arts, artisans and their craft.

We believe arts education helps cultivate learning and new skills, bringing awareness of others and their culture. The Arts supports the local economy, and helps communities come together. We believe the arts increases a persons self-esteem, helps them understand cultures and how to work with others, which in turn, makes them grow in all aspects of their life.

We believe in inclusion and acceptance, and believe that the Arts is a driving force in telling real stories, which will bring about change in viewpoints and respect and acceptance of others.

Strategy and Goals:

Be a voice in support for the value of arts and artists and vital contributors to community life and well being. Help increase visibility of the arts and artists to the community in an entertaining and educational way.

Be a resource for artists in the community, and for those looking for art events, other artists, and resources they can use.

Celebrate arts in the community, and artists and help them promote their projects.

Since podcasting and social media are something younger generations tend to use more, we want to encourage and educate younger generations about the Arts and revitalize the Arts forum for years to come.

Partner with local art venues, associations, artists, and performers to identify and highlight artists and projects being done in the area.

We seek to promote the Arts and define the Arts in broad terms, including Dance, Music, Books, Performing Arts, Visual Arts and Media Arts.

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